Act Now: BMFA & BDF Respond to CAA Consultation
The CAA are calling for input into their review of the UK UAS regulations that affect model aircraft and drone flying.
Input from our members was critical in our successful efforts to minimise the effect of previous regulatory changes on our activities and we are once again asking all members to respond to the CAA consultation. It is important that as many members as possible respond.
You can find further information and the online response form here: https://consultations.caa.co.uk/rpas/call-for-input-review-of-uk-uas-regulations.
The CAA Call for input (CAP 2569) can be downloaded from the following link
The BMFA is providing direct input into the consultation. A copy of our responses for guidance should members wish to co-ordinate their own responses with ours is attached and also available at the following link.
Caa Input.pdf
Please note, Chapter 1 Question 1 asks what type of UAS you own, but only permits one answer. If you own both model aircraft and drones you will need to answer other, then add “I own both model aircraft and drones” in the description.
The closing date is 7th September.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,