Responsible flying of Remote Controlled Aircraft

Remote controlled aircraft are designed for fun, but operators must also remember to take due care when using them.

Under UK law the use of remote controlled aircraft (Small Unmanned Aircraft) and (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) is controlled by the Civil Aviation Authority which regulates all UK aviation.

S.U.A’s can be divided into two main groups, Fixed Wing and Rotorcraft (Helicopters and multi-rotor craft, Drones)

Special consideration should be taken when operating S.U.A.’s with on-board auto-pilot systems which follow pre-programmed flight paths without operator input.


1. The ‘operator’ is totally responsible for the safe conduct of each flight.

2. They must keep the S.U.A. within sight at all times

3. They are responsible for avoiding collisions with other people or objects – including aircraft.

4. They should not fly close to congested areas (residential premises, town centres etc.).

5. They should not fly S.U.V's close to, persons, vehicles, buildings, structures, or groups of people.

6. To use S.U.A’s fitted with a camera for any kind of paid work, permission must be obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and operators must hold ‘Commercial Insurance’ and appropriate qualifications.

7. S.U.A’s should never be flown near any airport, airfield or power installation (such as substations and pylons)


Anyone breaking’ UK Aviation Law’ could face criminal prosecution.

Go to for the full details on how to use your aircraft safely.

If the remote controlled aircraft is capable of taking images please also observe the following:

In accordance with Data Protection legislation (Data Protection Act 1998) consent should be obtained from any individual who is the focus of a video recording.

Where filming takes place in a public place, the fact that a passer-by is captured in the background and is able to be identified by individuals who know them does not in itself make the image personal data and consent is unlikely to be required to put the video on YouTube or incorporate it in an Open Educational Resource (OER).

For any more information on this please see the following website for all information on the data protection act

Enjoy the experience and keep it safe and legal

John (Webmaster Area 13)

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